Two whole body MR scanners with 3T magnetic field induction
Siemens Prisma 3T, Siemens Cima.X Fit 3T, a whole body MR imaging /spectroscopic system with a bore of 60 cm diameter providing an efficient gradient system
Available coils: head/neck (64 channels), head/neck (20 channels), spine (32 and 72 channels), body (18 channels), wrist (16 channels), knee (15 channels), ankle (10 channels), large (4 and 18 channels) and small flexible (4 and 18 channels), small and medium round (1 channel)
- Possibility of triggering with the use of ECG, breath curve or pulse oximeter
- Possibility of simultaneous record of polygraphic signals (ECG, EEG, breathing, movement, EMG, EOG, …)
- Prisma MR system allows multinuclear measurements (equipped with 1H/31P head coil) and Tx/Rx CP head coil
- Possibility of use of pulse sequences created or modified at prestigious foreign institutes (for instance at CMRR, the University of Minnesota, the University of Maastricht)
- The development environment IDEA – Integrated Development Environment for (MR) Applications
Equipment for functional studies
- This is additional equipment for MR scanners (partly also for electrophysiological systems).
- Stimulation software E-Prime, MATLAB, PsychoPy, Cogent and others.
Fully MR compatible audio-visual stimulation for high quality transfer of hearing and/or visual stimuli.
- Eyetracking system Eyelink 1000+ (MR compatible, can be used with EEG, etc.).
- Other facilities for a proband reaction recording (buttons, keyboard, tablet and other).
Electrophysiological systems for use in EEG laboratory or with MR
256channel MR compatible EEG system – EGI GES 400 MR system with an amplifier EGI Net Amps 400, 256 EEG channels including software for artifact removal from MR and data analysis. Various types and sizes of EEG caps available for – MR compatible EEG caps for fast application, EEG caps for long-term measurements without MR and rTMS compatible low profile EEG caps
30channel MR compatible EEG/ExG system – BrainProducts BrainAmp MR / BrainAmp ExG MR, 30 EEG channels, 1 EOG channel, 1 ECG channel + ExG module. With the use of ExG it is possible to record other physiological signals (ECG, EMG, skin conductance, breath curve, movement, common electrophysiological bipolar measurement). Software for artifact removal from MR and data analysis
ExG MR compatible system – BrainProducts BrainAmp ExG MR, physiological signals recording (ECG, EMG, skin conductance, breath curve, movement, common electrophysiological bipolar measurement). Software for artifact removal from MR and data analysis
- Shielded EEG laboratory – measurement of high quality electrophysiological data inside of a shielded cabin fully equipped for audio-visual stimulation and recording of a measured subject’s interaction within the scope of experimental protocol. In order to create the stimulation protocol, the software solution E-Prime is used. Furthermore, the hardware configuration provides the simultaneous record of EEG and ExG system
rTMS (repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation) with a frameless stereotactic navigation
Other equipment
- 3D print: Felix Robotic printer; Průša i3 printer and Průša MK4S, multi-color
3D scanner