Provided services
MAFIL provides several types of services:
- Expert assistance with project preparation for measurement
- Custom measurement
- Expert assistance with data processing
- Trainings and courses on methods, laboratory work, data processing etc.
A fundamental service provided by MAFIL is a realization of measurement on the available devices. This is possible in three modes:
- full service (the measurement is fully provided by the laboratory employees*, the researcher only assures making an appointment with the researched subjects). This mode is highly demanding for the laboratory in terms of logistics and is only possible with previous consent of the head of MAFIL.
- partial service (the main technical part of the measurement is provided by a trained member of the corresponding research (project) team for which the measurement is performed*). This mode is the most often used measurement approach.
- equipment only (the measurement is provided by trained research (project) team members, the laboratory employee is available at MAFIL in order to provide technical support, if necessary). This mode is available only after previous training (including adequate experience), completion of all requisitions determined by the rules of operation and subject to previous consent of the head of MAFIL.
*MR laboratory operator must always be present as determined in the MAFIL rules of operation. E.g. measurement on human subjects must be performed always in cooperation of at least two persons – for detailed rules see the most recent version of laboratory rules of operation.
The expert assistance with project preparation for measurement is a complementary service provided at several levels – for example consultations regarding suitable measurement protocols settings or various devices adjustment and settings and pilot projects, programming of experimental stimulations for fMRI and eventual implementation of hardware or software additions necessary for project implementation. Therefore, the extent of this service depends on the project complexity and experience of the research team – and naturally on the experience of the laboratory employees (we are not able to offer full scale of expert assistance for all of the measurement methods).
The expert assistance with data processing can include different levels of data preparation, data processing, creation of scripts for processing, consultation with research team members on processing methods etc. Again, this is a very individual matter depending on the project complexity and experience of the research team – and naturally on the experience of the laboratory employees (we are not able to offer full scale of expert assistance for all of the method/data types).
User training is performed in two stages. The first stage includes, above all, compulsory training for researchers entering the laboratories who help during the measurements or perform the measurement by themselves. The second stage includes user training in the area of used methods and data processing (training courses and workshops organized by the laboratory).