Stress destroys the brain ... and music heals it
He was the first Czech scientist to be elected a corresponding member of the American Neurological Association. Prof. MUDr. IVAN REKTOR (71), CSc., FCMA, FANA, FEAN, is also internationally recognized for its neurological research of Holocaust survivors. The stress of this historical tragedy is reflected not only in the brain structures of the people who experienced it but is even passed on to today's generations. "We are probably the first to study the third generation on a larger scale, that is, the generation of grandchildren," notes a neurologist and neuroscientist who, in addition to the intergenerational transmission of trauma, also specializes in epilepsy, Parkinson's disease and music-related brain activity.
You can read more here (Czech)
You can find the whole interview in Téma ( 29/2020).